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7:30 am - 8:30 am Quiet Time, Breakfast & Free Play

8:30 am - 8:45 am Free Play Continued

8:45 am - 10:00 am Learning Time

10:00 am - 10:15 am Hand washing & Healthy Snack

10:20 am - 11:00 am Outside (Weather Permitting) & Large Motor

11:00 am - 11:20 am Circle & Learning Time

11:30 am- 12:00 am Structured Activities

12:00 am - 12:30 pm Lunch

12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Rest & Quiet Time

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Hand washing & Healthy Snack

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Free Play

4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Outside (Weather Permitting) & Large Motor/Planned Activity

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Dinner

5:30 pm- 6:00 pm Story & Quiet Time

We tailor our program so all children can succeed. 

© TJ's Heavenly Angels , Designed by Zip House Design, LLC

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